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Rosacea Healing

I am glad you are here! 

Following a functional medicine approach involves looking at the root causes and treating the skin from the inside out with a personalized approach. 

What you'll get:

  • Education: science-based educational materials, including powerful tools and tips.

    We will be working on - nutrition, FODMAPs, SIBO, anti-inflammatory foods, omega 3/6 fatty acids, sugar detox, histamine intolerance, gut microbiome, ocular Rosacea, leaky gut, autophagy, insulin resistance, metabolic health, environmental toxins, heavy metal, skincare, sleep optimization, stress management, beliefs, self-love, mind-body medicine, meditation, Yoga, circadian rhythm, gratitude practices, deep breathing practices, gut-skin connection, and much more.

    Support: I will be fully committed to you, and I will do everything in my power to help you to improve your Rosacea. You are also fully committed to the process and what needs to be done in order for us to give you your desired outcome. 

    Coaching: 18 weeks of lessons to guide you and make sure you stay on track. I will explain the forthcoming weeks' content and answer all of your questions you may have.

    Meal Plans and Shopping Lists: I'll share hundrets+ of delicious recipes full of anti-inflammatory foods that form the cornerstone of well-functioning skin health, immune system, and good metabolic health. Prepare to be inspired!

    Private Community:  We are your tribe! We are doing this together. We will be there for you every step of the way. 

    I can't wait to see you there!
    Dr. Radka Toms